I have also watched an Indonesian YouTube video that shows me how to upload the code for both modules (but not for debugging purpose), but I noticed it has more actions than the tutorial gave me, I will just post the actions below:
But by doing so, I will not get the printout that I purposely tell it to (for debugging purpose). I'm using UNO+WiFi R3 ATmega328P+ESP8266, 32Mb flash, USB-TTL CH340G, Micro-USB chip and by following this tutorial, I know that I have to enable dips number 1 and 2. Now the problem is how will Arduino Uno send the data to ESP8266 so that ESP8266 can make an API POST request as I mention above to send the data. Until now, both module works perfectly fine separately (ESP8266 has succeeded connecting to WiFi and Arduino Uno can get the data from somewhere). I have a little project that includes connecting EPS8266 to the internet and send an API POST request from the data that is passed from my Arduino Uno.